1. Getting Started
  2. Personal details
  3. Nominated Account Details
  4. Summary
  5. Your application

Getting Started Stage One

What you should know before you start
  • Accounts are available to individuals aged 18 and over. You must be resident in the UK and liable to pay tax only in the UK.
  • You will need the account number and sort code of a UK current account on which you are named as an account holder. This “nominated account” must be used as the source of any money deposited with us and will also be used as the destination account of any funds withdrawn.
  • You must deposit at least £1,000 within 14 calendar days of the account being opened.
  • If you have any questions, please see our Help pages or email us at savings@dfcapital.bank.
  • We will use your online savings portal as the primary means to communicate with you. If you require any adjustments to how we communicate, or if there are circumstances you would like to let us know about, please let our savings team know at savings@dfcapital.bank.

Your Privacy Matters
It is important that you understand how the personal information you give us will be used. Therefore, we strongly advise that you read our Privacy Notice, which you also can find on our website or you can ask us for a copy.